Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back on track

I got off track, with most of my originally stated plans, but am geared up to get back on track now! I had my wisdom teeth taken out 10 days ago so that put me on a diet of "whatever smooshy food I can find and manage to eat" and it also required that money I would have used to pay off my first small debt go to the oral surgeon. But, I get paid on the 31st and my new budget is sitting ready and waiting to be put to good use.

I've also found a great basic diet plan, that really doesn't fall under what Americans are trained to think of as a "diet"--it's a healthy eating plan that is practically brainless. You don't count anything, you don't HAVE to leave anything out, you just drink boatloads of water, eat as much high fiber food as you can, and when you eat, have the high fiber stuff first.  If you do this, you'll be eating a lot of fruits and veggies (while following that old "put your fork down between every bite" rule...), and you will get full sooner on the good stuff, so you'll eat less (or none) of the bad stuff, and you'll begin to lose weight.

Add to this that I'm going to start getting up early to workout in the mornings, and try to walk 3-4 times a week, and I hope to be noticeably smaller...soon!!!

Early on, I think I said I would start posting goals and periodically update them, so I'm going to make that a separate post unto itself (which will land directly above this one, so you've probably already seen the first one!)

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